September 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I’m SO EXCITED to finally share Kayla and Dylan’s Wedding day blog. You may remember this couple from their adorable winter engagement session. I have been pretty lucky with getting awesome clients but Kayla and Dylan are not only model gorgeous and the sweetest people you'll ever meet, they also have two of the kindest, most inviting families you can imagine! There were so many sweet moments throughout the day from their first look to Kayla walking down the isle and seeing Dylan get so emotional, which was one of my favorite moments of the day. Kayla recorded a surprise song for Dylan, which played as she was walking down the isle and it was one of the sweetest moments I have witnessed at a wedding.

Instead of me gushing on about how emotional, happy and fun the day was. About how many laughs the bridal party shared and just how amazing Kayla looked I asked the couple to answer some questions and here are their answers and some of them came from their wedding website:

What’s the story behind the two of you, how and where did you meet?

Dylan and Kayla met October 2013. They were both so excited to start a new chapter of their lives on UMKC's campus. Dylan pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon that August and Kayla pledged Delta Zeta. They both enjoyed being a part of Greek life that semester and met a lot of people.

Kayla first spied Dylan on stage at Delta Zeta's Big Man on Campus Pageant. It is a philanthropy pageant to raise money for the Starkey Hearing Foundation... but anyways... Dylan competed for the Big Man on Campus Title. Kayla asked her sisters if anyone knew who he was and finally she got a name, Dylan Schwindt.

Eventually their paths crossed. Kayla approached Dylan confidently and asked, "why haven't you ever talked to me?" After that the two talked... They texted often and finally went on a date. Kayla really liked Dylan right away and Dylan really liked Kayla but this was not the right time for their story to begin.

One year later and wiser the two crossed paths again. They were "re-introduced" by their mutual friend. The friend encouraged both of them to ask the other to their sorority/fraternity formals. They did! They quickly connected again and became fast friends. Their friendship continued to develop and the two decided to define the relationship.

Dylan sent Kayla on a scavenger hunt December 18, 2014 across Kansas City to ask her to be his girlfriend. It was the sweetest thing that anyone had done for her. Of course she said yes.

The couple continued to fall for each other...

After nearly a year of dating, they began to talk about marriage and the future. They began to imagine a life together and couldn't imagine that with anyone else.

Can you tell me about the proposal and how it was done?

On November 20, 2015 Dylan asked Kayla to be his wife and once again...of course she said yes.

Their engagement was a wild ride. Kayla and Dylan had talked about getting engaged for awhile. They even tried to figure out dates for their wedding (this wasn't easy because of medical school). Eventually they found a date that would work. Dylan asked Kayla to look at rings with him. They searched high and low and narrowed it down to two (Kayla likes surprises). Dylan asked Robert (Kayla's Dad) for her hand in marriage and he said yes!

Dylan purchased the ring in October. He also purchased something else... a puppy! Kayla loves dogs and he knew she would fall in love with the Maltipoo they would eventually name Moose. The puppy would not be ready to be away from his mom until November so Dylan waited. During this time Kayla would ask little questions trying to figure out details but had no luck. She kept her nails painted for two months just in case...

Finally one night Dylan asked her on a date... she thought, "hm... could this be it?" but then quickly decided they were just going to the new Hunger Games Movie. That night Dylan took Kayla to the Cheesecake Factory and kept telling her they had somewhere to be at 7pm. At the end of dinner, Dylan needed to use the restroom. Kayla waited... and waited... and waited... and then worried... WHAT IS WRONG?

Dylan finally called her after what seemed to be forever and said, "hey! come outside." Her initial response was, "WHAT?! you left me? Where are you? Why did you go outside?" Kayla marched outside a little frustrated only to see Dylan standing in the courtyard with a little grey chevron box. As she got closer... he opened the lid just enough for her to see inside. There was a tan fuzzy thing and a black fuzzy thing. Dylan looked at her like,"it's okay...look inside." Kayla thought it was definitely a stuffed dog but as she reached in she about had a heart attack, it moved! Dylan got her a puppy! A REAL Puppy! She could not believe it.

He looked off to the right at something and it was his parents! Kayla waved... she was so excited but still hadn't put two and two together. She turned back to Dylan and he was on one knee!

"Kayla, will you marry me?" - Dylan

"YES!" - Kayla

If you had the chance to redo the whole thing again, would you change anything?

I would have gone to sleep a little earlier the night before, I was exhausted.  A couple of my bridesmaids and I had a sleepover the night before after an already late rehearsal but I would not change getting to spend time with them!

What led you to choose Photos by Neyan for your photography?

After getting engaged, we began searching The Knot for photographers. We looked and looked and contacted many different photographers but none of them seemed to be the perfect fit. After meeting with Neyan, Dylan and I left knowing she was the photographer we wanted. Her pictures are incredible and she is so easy to work with. We couldn’t imagine someone else capturing our special day. 

Do you have a memorable moment from the wedding day?

One of my favorite moments of the day was turning to my bridesmaids after getting my dress zipped and seeing them so excited, full of happy tears. It was an amazing feeling to be surrounded by my best friends. I felt so special.

My absolute favorite memory though was praying with Dylan during our first look. I was so nervous before seeing him but once I say him and held his hand and we began to pray, my heart was calm. I just remember being so excited after that. I could not wait to marry the man of my dreams!


Get as much as you can do right away! The more that you get done ahead of time the less you will have to stress later. Also, have fun! Enjoy each moment. You’ll be pampered and surrounded with people who love you throughout this whole season of life. 



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